=== WP YouTube Player Customizer === Contributors: Nasif A. Razzaque Donate link: http://www.bdtechie.com/ Tags: youtube embed option, youtube embed autoplay, youtube autoplay embed, youtube embed parameters, youtube embed hd, youtube embed code generator, youtube iframe embed, youtube embed code options, youtube embed hide controls, embed youtube video autoplay, youtube embed autostart License: GPLv2 or later License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html Requires at least: 3.3 Tested up to: 3.4.1 WP YouTube Player Customizer allows you to customize the appearance of an embedded video with few mouse click. == Description == WP YouTube Player Customizer allows you to customize the appearance of an embedded video by changing the various embedded code parameters. No coding skill required; with few click of a mouse, you can change the embedded parameters. *Add custom image as a background to your video player *Allows you to generate videos with auto-play option *Allows you to remove the YouTube logo from the video *Hide info or title in your video to give it a more professional look *Hide progress bar, related videos *Add description above the video *Add call to action text below the video *And much much more *You must enable the features from options page to protect your blog. = More Details & Support: = * Contact: http://www.bdtechie.com/contact/ .- * Follow My Blog: [BDTechie](http://www.bdtechie.com/) .- * FB Fan Page: [Facebook Updates](https://www.facebook.com/bdtechie.blog) .- == Installation == 1. Upload `youtube-customizer` filder to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory 2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress 3. From plugin setting, put YouTube URL or video ID, choose settings and generate the customized embedded code